Postpartum Power

The comprehensive and complete solution you need after having a baby, so you can have an easier and faster recovery, with less downtime and long term problems.
Motherhood is hard enough, your recovery shouldn’t be. Don’t let common pelvic floor issues like leaking, prolapse, pain with sex, and abdominal separation stop you from being the mom you want to be…or more importantly: the WOMAN you are.

Postpartum Power

The comprehensive and complete solution you need after having a baby, so you can have an easier and faster recovery, with less downtime and long term problems.
Motherhood is hard enough, your recovery shouldn’t be. Don’t let common pelvic floor issues like leaking, prolapse, pain with sex, and abdominal separation stop you from being the mom you want to be…or more importantly: the WOMAN you are.

This course will help you to:

Minimize your pain, downtime, and recovery time

This complete recovery roadmap will arm you with the knowledge, exercises, stretches, coaching, and community you need to set yourself up for a successful recovery from day 1.

Reduce or even ELIMINATE symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction

Symptoms like leaking pee, prolapse, pain with sex, pelvic and low back pain, or core weakness do NOT have to be your new normal. They are totally treatable!

Get all your questions and concerns taken care of by experts

No more unanswered questions or worrying that something is majorly wrong. You’ll have a team of experts to make sure your prep and recovery are safe and effective.

It’s time to say goodbye to pelvic floor problems!

Are you ready to start feeling like yourself again?

Postpartum Power is for you whether your last baby was born 6 weeks or 60 years ago!

Here’s exactly what’s included:

Postpartum Power 
($498 value)

Clinically proven postpartum recovery program to help you heal faster and return to the life you want, with real-life, functional exercises, stretching, breath training, education, and more.

Downloadable E-Book
($99 value)

Follow along in your workbook as you make your way through the course. The workbook is filled with pictures, additional instruction, and guidance on goal setting with areas to take notes, track your progress, and organize your thoughts and questions.

Community Access
($498 value)

Not only do you have access to specific discussion boards with other moms and students, but there are also live Q&As with The Down There Doc team and guest expert workshops on topics like nutrition, fitness, hormone support, etc.

Hear from Mamas, just like you, who have been where you are now!

“I went from feeling like I would never be able to do certain things again to finally being able to run and go on long walks and jump on the trampoline.”

“I've had pain with intercourse my whole marriage and thought that was unchangeable. With Marcy’s program, I don't have that pain anymore!”

Some of the awesome things you’ll learn:

What the heck just happened to your body?

Learn why the pelvic floor muscles are SUCH A BIG DEAL, so you can understand the why behind your symptoms, and what we are going to do about them.

Rehab and strengthen your abs and tummy.

How to prevent further damage after the baby is born.

What exercises to start with that are safe for your pelvic floor.

Stop leaking, improve prolapse, and have a faster return to your life.

Cut down on boring exercise time.

Weave these simple strategies and exercises into your daily life and routine so you can save time AND get stronger all at once.

Expert tips on making sex more fun and less cringe worthy.

Simple strategies that you can start doing now that make a big impact.

The best core and pelvic floor exercises.

Start seeing a significant difference in your ability to exercise how you want, whatever that may be for you.

Finally experience a health care team that LISTENS to you, and guides you to be the best version of YOU, no matter what your goals are.

You’ll be stronger than before, relieved you have a trusted team of experts who actually LISTEN to your concerns and can help, and excited and hopeful to be rid of pelvic floor issues that are standing in the way of the life that you want.

Putting yourself first has never been so easy!

Buy PostPartum Power today!

What you’ll learn

Your complete postpartum recovery roadmap.
Don’t miss all the great bonuses that are only available for a limited time!




* After purchasing, you will receive instructions on setting up and accessing your account. **

Meet Dr. Marcy Crouch

Hi! 👋 I'm Dr. Marcy, pelvic floor obsessed PT and your new BFF!
I have a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and am a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy with over a decade of specialization in all aspects of pelvic floor dysfunction, pregnancy, and postpartum musculoskeletal issues.
As a mother of two amazing boys, I have dedicated the last 20 years to serving, empowering, and equipping women and the birthing community from birth preparation through postpartum recovery.
My mission is to set a new standard of physical health and wellness so that birthing persons everywhere have the necessary preparation, support, and knowledge to navigate pregnancy, labor, and recovery regardless of status or background.

Just a handful of the sites and influencers we’ve collaborated with:

Your questions answered.

If you have a question that isn’t covered below, send an email to
Unfortunately, most insurance plans in the United States will not fully cover common/necessary treatment for women’s health issues. However, every insurance plan is different so we encourage all participants to see if they can use their HSA plan to help pay for our programs as they may fit under the category of “wellness” or “preventative treatment.”
We have had great success supporting our Mamas through the online courses, monthly Q&A sessions, and online community. For Mamas who need a more personal touch, we also offer one on one Virtual Wellness Sessions that can help resolve additional questions or concerns.
If there is ever an instance where our doctors feel that you would benefit from seeing an in-person PT, we will help you find a reputable provider in your area. For most mamas, this isn't necessary.
The ideal time to start this program is while you are pregnant. However, this course is designed to help anyone who is going to or has had a baby. Whether you’re pregnant with your first baby, raising toddlers and teenagers, or you’ve graduated to grandma duty—this course can help.
Pelvic floor dysfunction doesn’t go away on its own, but it is treatable no matter what stage of life you are in!
Medical research shows that pelvic floor exercises are generally safe for you. However, if you are ever in a position where you are unsure, please consult with your provider. There are certain cases where a provider might want you to wait before you dive into one of our courses, and that’s okay! It’s never too late to start The DT Method and sometimes your body might need a little more time to heal before starting exercise.
ABSOLUTELY! Many of our mamas didn't find us until their second, third, or fourth pregnancy, and so on. We consistently have mamas telling us how much they wish they had known about these courses during their first pregnancy because it improved their experience and recovery so much.
Although a large portion of these courses are educational and do not require physical exertion, there are exercises that may not be safe for a high-risk pregnancy. If you are on pelvic rest or considered high risk, you will definitely need to get this cleared by your doctor. You should seek the advice of your physician before beginning any physical exercise regimen. However, there is plenty of material you will still benefit from even if you have to skip some of the stretches and exercises.
The DT method is designed to be used at any time during your postpartum journey, whether you’ve done PT before or not. It will teach you how to set the proper foundation and lay the correct groundwork to make sure you are moving forward THE RIGHT WAY after pregnancy and labor (no matter how long it's been).
These courses are meant for ALL women and birthing persons who want to prepare for birth the RIGHT way, stop the leaks, have pain-free sex, rebuild abdominal strength, and feel like themselves again.With 13 years of experience, Dr. Crouch has worked with thousands of clients both nationally and internationally, with 95% of them seeing improvement in their symptoms.