There are so many obstacles to seeing a Pelvic Floor PT in person, here’s why virtual appointments can be a great alternative.

If you had asked me 5 years ago if virtual or online sessions would be effective for patients & physical therapy, I would have said, quite confidently, “NOPE!”. But I have since changed my mind.

Here’s why. Since COVID and the global pandemic forced us to get creative and use the interwebs to work, rather than going to an in-person office, I’ve realized a few things on why seeing an in-person pelvic floor expert is challenging:

  1. There aren’t very many of us dedicated Physical Therapists. So what’s a Mama to do? I’ll tell you. With virtual wellness sessions, you’re able to access the same experts as you would in the clinic, regardless of zip code! You get the same support, 1:1 attention, a personalized program, and all on your own time and schedule. It’s so convenient, and extremely successful. Busy parents love this option, and it WORKS.
  2. I’m a busy, working Mama too. I get how thin our dollars get stretched, but it’s so important to be able to care for ourselves and be healthy so we can care for our families. In-person sessions can be pricey, due to poor insurance reimbursement, missing work, and paying for childcare. Virtual Sessions solve all those problems for busy Mamas, by providing top-level expert care, at the fraction of the cost of in-person sessions, and on your own schedule. Wish I had that option when my kids were younger!!
  3. It’s hard to get to appointments with childcare, work, other kids in the picture, cost of childcare, scheduling, anxiety, no help, no sleep, etc. You name it. When you add babysitters on top of an hour appointment or have to schedule around a Mama’s work schedule, kids school, other doctor appointments, sports, partner’s schedule, housework, errands, etc, it’s VERY hard to make it to appointments for new or seasoned parents. And we usually don’t put ourselves first as mothers (parents). We don’t. It’s easier for us to “just deal with it” sometimes. I get it, I’ve been there.

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Ready to take control of your recovery and your health?

So the million-dollar question: Is it worth it and does it really work?”. The answer is YES, and it’s so awesome for all those reasons listed above.

Now let me say this: the gold standard for women & birthing persons FOR SURE is to get into see a pelvic floor PT prior to birth and after. It’s always a good idea and should be the standard for everyone. But that’s a different story. HOWEVER, what’s the reality? It’s not always feasible or realistic, and therefore birthing persons and mothers aren’t getting what they need.

So what’s the alternative? No care? No PT appointments? No help? No support? No tools? No resources? Leaving mothers alone to figure out the physical issues and emotional stress that happens after birth? Telling them leaking pee and prolapse and pain with sex and abdominal separation is “normal” bc it’s too hard, time-consuming, and “un-important” to help those issues? That can’t be the answer, and it is downright unacceptable, shameful, and has to stop.

Enter the technology at our fingertips. This is where we can really start to help a lot of women/birthing persons…all over the world. Almost everyone has access to a smartphone or computer, and we need to take advantage of this. Virtual sessions and online programs like The DT Method solve SO MANY OF THESE PROBLEMS.

Online wellness sessions can be better for mothers and parents by being more flexible, not adding the stress of finding childcare, shuffling schedules, and missing work. Same with online courses which can be done at your own pace, and most, like The DT Method, have built-in live support and a community to resonate with. The biggest advantage, aside from sessions and courses working and helping women all over the world, is that they are affordable. Most subscription-based programs are under $10/mo and most virtual wellness sessions, like we provide here at The DT Method, are packaged very affordably.

As part of The DT Method’s mission to help women everywhere, I train PTs and OTs and other birth professionals from around the world. After they complete a 12-week training program and become a member of our provider community, they get the recognition of being a DT Method Approved Provider. This is only for exclusively DT Method trained PTs and birth professionals that are dedicated to making their skillset exceptional so more Mamas and birthing persons THRIVE.

Our virtual wellness providers are only DT Method Approved providers: click here to meet them and schedule a complimentary consult.

Or jump into our flagship online programs HERE: $9.99/mo for any single course and $14.99 for both (which is what EVERY pregnant Mama needs) Just think: for less than one Starbucks run a month you can have a better birth experience with less vaginal trauma, and you can recover quicker and more successfully after baby comes. I mean, this is a no-brainer!!

Purchase a gift card for use for any of our services for the holidays this year, for an upcoming baby shower, or a long-overdue “push present” for your partner.

Online is changing our health care arena, and here at The DT Method, we are embracing it fully and providing the best content out there, by experts, that is affordable, successful, and accessible.

I’m over it being too hard for Mamas to get the care they need. Let’s get you what you need. TODAY

See Also


Postpartum Power

Enjoy Your Motherhood
Known as The Down There Doc on Instagram and TikTok, Dr. Marcy Crouch is a board-certified women’s health physical therapist working to elevate pregnancy and postpartum care for women everywhere.

Your All-In One Childbirth &
Recovery Program

Reduce vaginal tearing and injury, push better, and recover faster. An inclusive online program designed with YOU in mind, from positive pregnancy test through postpartum

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